
We specialize in producing vinegars, dressings and sauces that not only meet the highest standards, but also add a distinctive touch to every bite, enhancing the dining experience. Contact us

Cleaning and disinfection

We offer a variety of cleaning products, such as disinfectants, liquid soaps, bleaches and other products that ensure hygiene and well-being in homes and workplaces.

Cardboard packaging

We manufacture cardboard boxes and packaging that provide efficient and safe solutions for the packaging and transportation of products through sustainable management by giving a second use to recycled boxes in good condition.

About Grupo Peram SAS

We are a business group committed to excellence in the production and marketing of quality products in different sectors. We base our actions on Christian principles and currently consists of two companies: Peram SAS and Industrias Fertiland.

Peram SAS is a company that is dedicated to the manufacturing, marketing and assembly of food and hygiene products.

Our brands

Industrias Fertiland